Craftsman tools made in CHINA

This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You think bad employers who tret people like crap are gone? Tell it to the waitress who makes $3/hr. If she made more she would have more to spend. Simple fact.Union employees have more disposable income and do far more to support the economy than most,BECAUSE THEY CAN AFFORD TO!

Unskilled labor my ***....

You speak from ignorance and jealosy.I've seen it soooo many times.

LoL!!!! You know what i tell the $3/hr waitress? i tell her she is flipping stupid and i do believe thats illegal being that federal minimum wage is like 5$ and usually state is a lot higher then that. I also doubt the validity that anyone is paid that low while living in america. If they are, then they made some really wrong turns in life. Not to mention, whats a waitress pull down in tips?? I know here in Ca and the larger chain resturants, a cute waitress can make bank on tips by fleecing dumb guys.

How do i speak from jealousy and ignorance? A job like making tools on a massive scale is going to be highly automated and the reason companies outsource like this is because they can go to a poor uneducated country and train them to push buttons, pick out the bad casting and wear safety gear too. So a job in making tools doesnt pay great anymore, here's an idea, shoot higher then pushing buttons all day.

So what if Union employees have more disposably income. That becomes irrelevant when the Union's get so up the employers *** that they just decide to say "screw this, lets move to another country". Its hard to argue for made in america products and unions at the same time. Why wouldnt a company like say GM move a plant to mexico where they can pump out cars and not pay absurd amount for an employee and then have to pay him for life when he/she retires.

Unions are a waste of money in a lot of cases.