72 Dart Swinger Full Resto or DD Project?
Figure since it was nice outside finally. Figure I would go crank up car and drive it around block since it been sitting since thanksgiving. That last time I drove it.
First battery was dead left it unhooked and was still dead. Tried jumping it nothing. So went and got two used batteries for $50.
Finally cranks up.
Then one front tire was flat and other was almost flat. Will be happy when rims get here so can get some new tires. Got some air in the air shocks. Atleast they still hold air that surpised me.
After all this and finally get to drive it. Go down the street and brakes go all the way to the floor and slowly and mean really slowly comes to a stop. Atleast never went faster 20-25 since been so look since last time driving it.
When pull back into driveway look down at oil guage. Just idling oil pressure was between 0-10. Oil level was good. Guess it good time to put together spare 318 have in garage.
Hopefully if weather does not change will finally get the roof back down to primer. Rusted look is real eye sore.
Have some brand new rear side marker lights coming.
Will have before and after pics of the roof this sunday. Figure I would throw 2 more pics up here.