A shocker
Thanks all for you posts' of support and concern. For the past year, actually a little longer than that she has been on (self imposed) a strict no fat/no salt diet. It's basically a "vegin" diet, but not for "spiritualistic or animals rights" reasons. She has done this to control her diabetic condition. For the past 4-5 years she had been on a perscription for diabetes, but her reading were fluctuating and had steading been climbing, anywhere from 120 - 150. So about a year ago she decided to use this diet of consuming no fat, either 0 or at most 2 grams per serving. About 5-6 months into the diet (without any meds.) her sugar readings were often times lower than when she was taking the pills. Since then she has lowered even further her readings (102 today and 80 yesterday) and has also lost 20-30 pounds.
Through all the test at the hospital none of them could point to a reason for this episode, and there are no sign physically or otherwise that she even went through this, it's as though it never even happened. Her blood pressure is higher than what it should be so the doctor gave her a precription for that. She has a follow up appointment in two weeks, hopefully all will go well and she will continue to feel good.
Thanks again everyone. :-D