Got me a partner "pup"

Both of my males have been in the 65 pound range. You will find with a male it takes at least 2 years to get the puppy out. They will remain as playful as you let them on the command of no. I am glad to see you are giving him a great life on the hill.

I've had 5 Boxers. Currently have 4. It takes about 2 years for them to quit growing and look right.. lol. I have a 17 week old in the house. I just went and got her ears taped up yesterday. She is at a really awkward stage right now. Kinda long snout, really long legged. She's all Boxer just lanky.. lol. :) But I don't think they ever fully settle down. They are good and listen with work but they always have it in them to want to get goofy and act apeshit in the house.. lol