tools to get started on bodywork

I just recently picked up a 1973 scamp and it is in need of some bodywork, the rh and lh quarters around the wheel wells need to be patched up (mostly on the front side, the top and rear look ok), the rockers are getting a little bit of rust showing (a couple small holes), and the front rh side fender on the top has a few bb sized holes and the paint is starting to bubble lastly the rear inner wheel well has some holes appearing aswell, I'm looking for the quickest and easiest way to remove the paint, rust and any bondo that may be in these areas.

I have never donr bodywork before but I have welded for a few years so I feel comfortable attempting this.

What are some basic tools I will need to get this process rolling? I will be picking up a new mig welder and a disc grinder.