tools to get started on bodywork

Well I think I am going to pickup an air sander and an air grinder / cutoff tool along with a new elder and see how that goes. Ill see if I can find some wire wheel ends and give them a try. Thanks for the tips

I like my right angle die grinder with Rolocs on it. You can get them various grits to handle paint removal in areas I know will need a little filler, knocking down welds, etc. The extra surface roughness from the grind helps in getting the filler to bite. You can also switch the grinder disks out for quick turn scotch brites and use that to take off paint.

A nice hammer and dolly set will go a long way for you, too.

Think about a DA.

So will various size hand sanding blocks. Ones which can be used wet or dry. I like Duroblock.

Those are the basics. If you want to get into air boards, jitterbugs, mudslingers, etc. let us know.