kill stories

It might sound funny, but street racing in the GTA completely changed after The Fast & the Furious came out. Then the ricers started killing people and the cops got serious about it.

It worked out well for me, because I was over the whole street racing thing by that point, and since then the cops have totally focused on the ricers and left the muscle cars alone.

fast and furious is what killed street you had guys racing for years, rarely if ever hurting anyone besides themselves (and thats if they hurt themselves) and then as soon as the movie came out every punk in his moms civic thought he was a race car driver and started racing on major roads filled with cars doing things as though they were the kid a couple of weeks ago-140 in a 70 zone???what are you thinking???

I just hope the cops dont bother me...especially when im goin at it with my buddies lol