kill stories

I would have to agree about the Pontiacs. At one time, along wih my 68 I had a 72 cutlass I stuck a 455 in. Awesome torque in that engine and with the 2?? gears in the rear it would pull pretty hard on the highway. One night comming home I had a guy in a green 70 SJ GranPrix pull up on me while we were on the highway. We slowed down to about 20 and hit it with me jumping him by about 6 cars up until about 100mph when he blew past me. We went at it again at about 65 and I jumped him again by 3 or 4 cars until we hit a little over a hundred. The last time was at a 100 punch where he walked from me like I hit reverse. I sold the Olds the next day.