SCORED! ? What do you think?

Don't know yet.
The same type things (but not usually mopar) pop up usually once every 3 months, sells out in a couple weeks. Every Walmart different.
They might not even be any interest but with 9 cars, 6 different, 3 doubles, I could take the 3 doubles to Yard Dawg (guy I sell abody parts for here) he's in the hospital right now and is bed ridden. I could give him the 3 and at $15.00 I wouldn't miss that. Sides, probibly owe him $300.00 in parts right now! LOL!
I loaded up one of those digital picture frames I had in office when I had a job. I loaded it up with 300+ images of mopars, in shows, in his junk yards, cool looking parts we have sold or selling, any pics I've used and prepped for FABO. I dropped it off Friday and when I left he had it on his lap watching it like a portable TV. He's got a small room so 3 of these cars won't take up much room but will let him leave mentally a few times I bet!:cheers: