So much for that toyota quality..
Go easy on him J-Mac. This is suppose to be a friendly and yet healthy discussion that i will contribute to. Keep in mind this is my opinion and i'm sure there will be more that will feel the same as myself. With that introduction let me begin.
IMO, i feel that no one car or manufacturer is any better than the next. You can take two exact cars made by who ever and give one to my nephew and one to me and i will be able to drive the car several hundred thousand miles with only normal maintenance, but you can give him his car and it wont last him 2 months and wont have 30,000 miles on it. Some people cant drive a goose to water much less a car in a manner that will make it last. Now here's the clincher for me. When you buy a car from a company that has it's roots based in another country, you are helping the bottom line of the economy in that country, not that of an American economy and you can bet they appriciate that, but if you buy a vehicle that is owned by an American based company you are contributing to the base line of the American economy. Many of you that ***** and moan about sending our factories and jobs to overseas companies will still go out and buy cars that are engineered and designed and the parts built in the countries you ***** about but still by the product. Myself, i will continue to try and keep everyone of my hard earned dollars as close to home as i can. As far as the recalls go, it's all begining to look alot like the old "OSHA" horse in the cartoon that i'm sure we've all seen. What ever happened to living and dying. Keep it civil guys.
Small Block