So much for that toyota quality..
The feds did shut toyota down. they didn't do it themselves. I think toyota stands to lose more from all this, than the domestics did previously. After all, everybody expects a domestic recall.
toyota has done a very good job of dancing around recalls, by just ignoring the problems & not owning up to it.While I was a service writer at a toyota, we always had tech service bullentins, & was told that if a car came in with a concern that was covered by the TSB, fix it. We were also instructed to let the customer know what a big favor toyota had just done for them.
Theses TSB's had concerns that the domestics had issued a recall for. Alot of times we would upsale a maintenance service & goodwill theTSB repair.
I understand that these TSB's have been requested by the feds to check out timelines.
toyota has been protected for several years, due to having poloticians ( democrat & republicans) bought for years.
toyota is no better or worse than anything else being built today. They just do a great job using smoke & mirrors.
In my opinion, the last true trouble free toyotas built were the 1996 model year. These were pretty good cars, the 96 camery model had a higher list price than the redesigned 1997 model had. This made selling used 96's a little tricky to sell, when you could buy a new 97 for almost the same price. This is when I considered the camery had been Americanized.
1998 was when I started getting questions in the service from the customers. They would ask me, how come I'm having these nit-pick problems (AKA domestic problems) with my newer camery, that he didn't have in the earlier camerys. But as usaul, we offered great service & made the customer happy, even though he was coming back to the dealers repair department more often. At least it was good for upsales.
I don't see this as Obama witch hunt, its just a case of a big company that didn't think the rules applied to them, after all we are just dumbass Americans who would buy a polished turd if it became popular & thought to be perfect.