Get my car to launch better...

I don't think its a DR problem, i ran DRs on my 6sp. camaro & left on the bottle & hooked like crazy, you just need to tune alittle different with stick cars, he's not hitting hard at all with 2.0 60fts. for DRs not to handle, off the bottle i went 2.0s consistantly leaving at 5000, it is very possible he just isn't getting the tires hot enough, or it could be cold weather, bad track prep, there is alot of other things that could be the problem, it also sounds like from his post he only made "1" run, it is true you can run pick up with Bias tires on stick cars, but thats useally on cars leaving alot harder then his, i think once thinks fall in place & he makes more passes, he should hook great with DRs.

hey joe, dont get me wrong it can be done...but even a low 13 second car, if launching at a decent rpm, will give quite a beating when you dump the has been proven time and time again that Bias plies have much better recovery on a stick car than DR's, and thats on cars from 8 seconds all the way to 14...i know a guy who changed from the MT et street radials to an et street with no other changes and went from 13.4 to 12.9...and thats just one guy i know personally, and have seen many others tout the same horn...even if his 60's are high and its only a low 13 second car, id do anything i could thats simple to squeeze every last bit of it, and imo tires a no brainer for that