When it rains it pours!

First of all - CONGRATULATIONS! I hope one of your options works our for you.

For me, I would pass on insurance. Times are tight, and people probably aren't looking for more insurance in the current market. Also, if you are "cold calling" prospective clients, you can spend a lot of time on the phone with no one to talk to on the other end (thank you, caller ID). If you are a company representative and people are interested in insurance and contacting you, that's a different story, but the economy would still be a factor.

The factory work sounds promising, but you don’t get along there. I would not know what to tell you except the words a very wise man once told me – “All work sucks, but some of it is closer to home”.

The full line auto repair sounds the most promising, and it would make the best use of your skills, but there are important considerations to think about:
- You are adding 2 to 2 ½ hours to your work day with the commute.
- Gas is not cheap, and is not getting any cheaper, consider the expense for the commute. You also have to consider the wear and tear on the car.
- Can you survive an hour’s drive (or more) to and from work even if you are behind the wheel of your favorite car?
- Does the lengthy commute raise your car insurance rate?

Just my thoughts. I’m sure you’ll know what to do when the time comes. Good luck – I’m pulling for you!