When it rains it pours!

The drive, I can say for the most part, won't bother me. I've always like to drive.

As someone mentioned the biggest thing about the drive to the repair shop (who by the way, just contacted me via email again) would be if overtime was asked of me. But it's a guaranteed 40 at a steady rate. No weekends.

The factory, like I said, is a big come down in hourly rate (like $6.00 less), but overtime needs to be had to bring me back up to a paycheck. Actually, I would need 2nd shift differential for my gross to exceed my current unemployment bring home. Running 10-12 hours days would be needed to come up to my former rate of pay. Then, when mandatory overtime kicked in my weekends would be gone. That's something I've never been thrilled with. Sundays are claimed. Sorry, but I just don't like the idea that someone else thinks they have a claim to it. But it is closer than the other two.

The insurance thing would be a hard time on the pocket book. The insurance would be a sale to businesses, consolidating health insurance, adding supplemental, etc. I liken it to being flat-rate: feast or famine. How many weeks of famine before one week of feast? But I'm good with people and have experience in customer relations.

I don't have to worry about a bennies package, since the wife has me covered through her job with the state. A 401(k) would be nice, so that's one of the things I have to ask about the repair shop. A matching retirement plan is useful.