When it rains it pours!

Thtat's some good news to hear.

I pretty much agree with all of the above.

Cold-calling is hard, most people you call will not be happy to be "bothered" by you. And that's putting it mildly. You need a thick skin. Paycheques can be also sporadic and varied, making budgeting a problem.

Factory work. It might not be your dream, but it sounds like a promotion might already be in the works. Pay is steady, advancement is possible from the sounds of things.

The commute. Either you love it, or you wont. I personally don't, but thats a personal thing. An hour is not bad tho, but once you figure in the extra 10hrs. week you are putting in, plus the wear/tear, are you really coming out ahead? But if you want this job, and feel it is worth it, then take the one that makes you the most happy. That makes it all worth while.

Oh, and about your post title - When it rains, it pours.

I just responded earlier in a thread about this very saying.

Good luck