lock to lock


Here's the specifications you can provide the alignment shop.

Materials needed: tape, paper, pencil

Turn wheel completely to left (drivers side), place 1/2" piece of tape on the top. Get pencil and paper ready.

Turn wheel slowly to the right (passenger side). Everytime the tape goes to the top, use pencil to mark one tally on paper.

Continue this process until wheel is turned fully to the right.

Note how far wheel has passed the last top position. Imagine a clock (not digital though), and estimate the hour that the tape is pointing to. (eg. 6 o'clock). Write down the number of the hour pointing to. (eg. 6 hours)

Add up all tallies. These are the total revolutions.
Now divide by two. Write down this number.

Now turn wheel all the way back to the left. The tape should be on the top again. Turn the wheel right until you reach the number of tallies (divided by two) that you write down. If the number has a half fracton, then make sure the tape is pointing down. A quarter would be at 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock.

Now take the time measurement you did first, and half it. Now move the wheel the number of hours you come up with clockwise (right).

You are now centered.

Not grounded, but centered