thoughts on my build
mopar marc you end up with the compression ration by this formula (swept volume + combustion chamber volume)/combustion chamber volume. Swept volume is easy enough to calculate. Just calculate the volume of one cylindar. Yours comes out about 43.3 cubic inches with the added volume from the overbore added in. Its easier if you then convert this to cubic centimeters. Theres 16.39ccs in one cubic inch. So you end up with 709.69cc for the swept volume. The combustion chamber volume is way more complicated to calculate. You need to determine cylinder head chamber volume, volume of the piston top (adds ccs for reliefs, subtracts from ccs for domed pistons), volume because of deck clearance (zero deck=0, below deck adds volume, above deck subtracts volume), and the clearance because of the head gasket. Add all these numbers together and plug into the formula above and you'll get your compression ratio. Hope this helps.