When it rains it pours!

How are things coming along on this Robert? Any good news for us?
I know you have the faith and what ever happens is what was ment to be.

Had the interview yesterday with the repair shop. Seems like a good fit in that I would actually be running the mechanical side as well as doing the work. No idiot service writer between me and the customer, writing my own estimates, working my own schedule (ask Brian what happens when I run my own schedule...8)) And the pay is well worth the drive. 40 a week, guaranteed hourly, no weekends. The interview went well, in my opinion. We'll see what happens from here.

Just got an email from the factory position. The "orientation" has been set back again. Originally it was supposed to take place the day after I interviewed. Then it was rescheduled for March 2nd. Now it's been postponed again without a date. Someone needs to get their heads out of their collective asses.

For the record, the factory job is offering $6 less per hour than what I was making. But worth it if overtime can be had to make up the difference.

And I emailed the insurance job and turned them down.

I've done everything I can, now it's up to others.