Need some help...5.2L

Well after seeing loads of these come through the dealer and people saying " my truck doesnt have any power " We suggest this. Lower the tire size a bit... 33" will work as good as 35" especially in the mud bog. Most defiantely change the gear ratio. You have to do that to get the tire size / gear combo back in line. You can get away with the 35" tires with more gear, but it will NEVER be a hot rod. Lower gears will most defiantely get the truck moving off the line a lil faster. Lucky for you there is no emmisions there. You can open your exhaust up more, but remember these engines rely on some back pressure too.

so gearing is the way to go....but the consequences of romp-em-stomp-em mud-bogging is simple. You WILL break stuff. Be prepared.

hope you figure it out and good luck