1971 Challenger from OVERHAULIN' on ebay

Wow, that many of you dislike the car that much? Seriously? Guess there are a lot of purists on the boards. Let me say, anybody can restore a car to factory specs given the money - the information and the parts are there. Those cars already exist, in garages across the country. The blood sweat and tears put into them yields the EXACT same result as anybody else "restoring." For me, there is no satisfaction in that. Customizing a car takes balls. Takes vision, creativity, and the combination of skills and balls to create something that nobody else has created. And when it's done well, THAT car is something special, that will stand out in a crowd no matter how many other cars are around it.

To me, and I am sort of a purist, I really appreciate it when someone puts blood, sweat and tears into creating a personalized custom. However, in this case, the owner did not. Also, the level of detail on this car is substandard for the price being requested. I would expect that the fit/finish and execution should be FLAWLESS.

To me, these Overhauled cars are like that old TV show where people would spend two days renovating three rooms in a house. They would perform a shoddy job that looked good with the right "blur" filter on the camera, but like this car, after a year or two starts looking like CRAP.

As far as the paint? It ain't nothing special, and IMO does not show any thought into how it's design accentuates the lines of the car. Ugly? Yes.


As far as standing out in a crowd..
