rpm issue? electronic?

I tried using any combination of hookup with the tach still reading 400 rpm even tried going straight from the ballast and battery still 400 rpm will continue experimenting thanks for the advice. Right now I have electrical on my hardtop and steering on my sedan going to be a busy week. Car also has a miss have tried changing out everything and have done compression tests.

Have you tried swapping (complete swap of) the alternator, voltage regulator and battery from the good running car to the poor running car? See if symptoms follow.

Also, read this: http://www.fixya.com/cars/t2612175-following_rear_end_accident_damage

With that type of hit in your accident the cells in the battery may be damaged or perhaps there was a short created somewhere in the wiring.

While you are doing these tests make absolutely sure you have a good fire extinguisher nearby -- and , hate to panic your wife, but she should be carrying one around in the car. You also might want to consider doing the tests outside of your garage in case of fire.