Vacuum And tuning Help

i have limited tools and am trying to get my slant run better. the best i have been able to get is about 10-11 inches @ 1000rpms on the vacuum gauge.

the setup is an .080 bore, heavilly ported head w/ oversized valves, 9.2:1 comp, .510lift 246 dur @ .050 and a 108 LSA. holley 600dp and clifford manifold w/ hooker super comps.

im running 67 primary jets and 72 on the secondaries. no vacuum leaks that i know of but i will smoke it when i get to work. i have the stock points dizzy with the petronix ignitor II setup(for now) @15* intial.

any ideas on tunning? i trying to buy a wideband and gauge but thats 300bucks...