ABodyBetty's 1st Baby Comes Back Home!!!!

I would re-think putting BOF up for "adoption" so hastily. She has been a problem child BUT - do you want to have to deal with the curse she will surely place on Baby, Fern & Clara when you cast her off?????
All kidding aside - Fern is a nice car, but needs the most work, if you have to cut 1 loose that makes the most sense...
*flying starter-shield raised*

I agree, there's something bout BOF! She kinda gets under your skin cause she sounds and runs so good with no rust!!

Last unemployment check comming this week and no more!

It may just turn out that we only end up with the 64 & 69. I may have to sell others to keep house for a while longer. After that who knows!
MoparMiko, if ya ever need any slightly used junk yard parts PM me, that's all I'll be checking anymore. Good luck to you!