Busting Him Out of the Clink

Thanks everyone for your help. This little guy is nameless no more!! :bootysha:

Sitting there behind bars, he looks like a Joliet Jake to me.

Cracked me up w/ this one.....:sign5:

uhm, i think his name should be HEMI!! and he's a cute doggy

Actually Mike, we had a cat named Hemi, so that was already used, but thanks for the thought!

That's the breed of our other dog, so could get a bit confusing :rolleyes:. Thanks

We should have a "New Pup Party" tonight and sling a few back, maybe post a bunch of doggie related songs. :-D

You know me, any excuse to knock one back on the weekend. :occasion:
That was a nice party for the pup ramcharger.....Thx

you better lock him up I am on my way to get him.:toothy10:

Over my dead body. I probably shouldn't say that, but oh well. :wink:

I'd call him BAIT. He looks like coyote bait to me. He sure is good looking. Congrats!

I really am worried about that. I am hoping he will bond w/ my female and become her shadow :-) . Thanks

He is so cute. There is nothing better than rescuing a dog from the pound. We didn't rescue him from the pound but Lex is a rescue dog. He came to me one night. He got into the fence and everytime I put him outside the fence he would bark and howl. I just couldn't let him stay out there. He was skinny and his eye was messed up. Now look at him. Good luck with the dog. I like the name 6 pack. You could call him 6 for short. :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

Thanks and great story on your rescue of Lex. Actually, 6pk was on the short list of names, but we thought too many would relate it to beer...LOL :-\"