Looking for pictures of a518 install

I once had hard copies of those pictures in my posession. dbdartman mailed 'em to me because he couldn't post them online. I promply lost them for a couple of months, causing some stress because there were no duplicates. I did eventually find them, and mailed 'em back to him.

I've read, and heard from a few people that the swap can be done without cutting the floor, and that's what interests me. I'm not opposed to cutting the floor, I just don't want to cut a HUGE hole.

yea dave will tell ya himself that if he did it again that it wouldn't need half the cutting. the main thing you need to cut is that piece of frame that goes over the trans . it needs to be raised some is really all ya need dave says. i drove his dart and man is it sweet with that OD. its so cruisable and it has 3:91 gears..