Vacuum And tuning Help

Then why did our 360 pick up almost 2 MPH going from any 4150 based carb to a 1050 dominator?

According to all the CFM calculators, the biggest 4150 based carbs were more than required, in fact, they were about 10% too big? Hmmmmm.

It clearly did something for power.

carry on.

That is certainly true. The smaller carb did act as a restrictor. You need to campare apples to apples. The carb size table/formulers are for a street type car, where you need "driveability" not max power. Remember we were discusing pressure drop across the carb (1.5 inches and 3 inches). Anytime you have a pressure drop, you have a restriction.
For max power, you want the least restriction possible (BIG carb) for driveability you need air velocity thru the carb at lower rpm (this will give a pressure drop at higher air flows) to establish enough signal to operate the main metering system at street speeds.