Retrofit Hydraulic Roller Lifters 340

The cranes might drop in, might not... just like the drop in comps don't always.. DROP IN! BTDT. Nothing like getting a shortblock together only to find out the link bar/buttons interfere with the valley.

The car craft article is a separate issue, inside the bore, from what 340sFastback experienced, top of bore. That article addresses the body uncovering the lifter gallery. 340s's issue was the band becoming exposed at the top of the bore.

The cranes didn't work or were the exact same oil band location as the comp hydraulic rollers. I think 340sFastback checked them out or has crane lifters in his engine.

The issue is located at the top of the lifter bore and the block casting/machining and cam lift play a part. Machining at the top of the bore, chamfer, appears to cause some to leak and others not. The overall bore height from cam centerline is all over the map on blocks. Some blocks have no issue with the rollers, especially if the lift is small. Once you start getting into the 375-400+ lobe lift area, issues sometimes arise.