Seeking Race Car Builder / Driver for Sponsorship Opportunity

Well I race predominantly in the southeast. From Alabama to Georgia, to South Carolina and of course all over Florida. If any car needs prettying up it's mine. lol

Seriously though I'm a bracket racer, grassroots style that does hit the big money foot brake races. And I'm going to Pinks all out this weekend in West Palm Beach FL. I'm not rich but I'm not broke either so every little bit helps.

Yes the car will be painted later this month in case you were worried.

dont mean to go off topic, but damn GJ i cant wait to see her in color! make sure you post pics when its done!!!

and cudachick, my car is nothing special and as you may or may not know hasnt even hit the road yet...however, i plan on carwhoring it to every show and cruise possible and would like to hit the strip a few times at the very least...also, pinks minus speed (armdrop live) is coming to toronto at the end of july and im more than likely gonna enter the car just for the experience...i dont need anyting powdercoated, but once the time comes if im entering for sure maybe ill message you for some stickers just to fly the PSC flag for ya!8)