Vacuum And tuning Help

ok guys so i played with the distributor today, just messing with adv. so using a dial timing light i found i was running 17* @ idle (1050rpm) and a Total of about 27* @ 2100-2200.

so i undid the other adjustment bolt on the dizzy and bumped the timing up to 22* @ idle (1050rpm). with a total of about 30-32* @ 2200-2300.

the car runs alot better just bumping up the timing!! on hot starts i used to crank for about 3 seconds will it would kick and start! but now it starts on about the 2 revolution!!

still need to change the springs but do u think i need more total? or just bump up my intial to get my total more?

thanks for the advice on the timing and i'll get a vacuum gauge on it and see what its at.

Run as much as it likes 'total/full advance'

but as a rough, 34* sounds good 'total/full advance'

I would still see how initial it''l take before starter kick back, then work on getting the distributor advance curve dialed in so that you can have that high of an initial time setting without ending up with too high of a total/full advance. . example- 25* @ idle 34* full advance in by 2200 rpm, get it?