If he does take my advice after he reads this, and makes the changes ,the car will be so snappy you won't be able to keep the rpm,s down.
I hope he has a rev limiter.
in djv's defense those videos are years oldl and were taken right after the swap and pretty much the first time the car ran outside the garage.. he has tweaked the carbs since then. now it sounds lumpy when the motor is cold but once warmed up it smoothes out and idles very good. the car runs mid 12's and gets like 16 mpg so he has it dialed in pretty good.
any combo needs to be tuned. you forgot about initial timing. you can have the total perfect but if the initial is off it canl idle like crap be hard to start..etc also. then the actual curve of the dist may need to be tweaked also. you don't want that total coming too early or too late either. so you may not only have to tweak the carb but you may have to play with the dist some too.