Cowboy and Indians

A cowboy was captured by the indians, they placed him inside a heavliy guarded teepee. The indian chief walks inside and says "White man, we give em you 3 days to live and then we scalp and kill you. We give you one comfort wish each day, What you want on first day wish. The cowboy says: I need to talk to my horse. They bring his horse in, he whispers a message in the horses ear, pops him on the butt and the horse takes off. About an hour later the horse returns with a beautiful red head. The indian cheif lets her in the teepee with the cowboy. The next day, the indican chief comes back to the cowboy, say white man, this is your second day, whats your second wish, the cowboy says I need to talk to my horse. They bring him his horse, he again whispers in the horses ear, pops him in the butt, the horse takes off. About 2 hours later the horse returns, this time with a gorgeous blonde. The indian chief just shakes his head.....stupid white man, he only think em one thing before he die......then allows the blonde into the teepee. Next morning, indican chief talks to the cowboy, White man, your last day, you have one last wish, then tonight at sunset, we will scalp and kill you. What you want for last wish......the cowboys say quite adamantly..I need to talk to my DAMN horse.they bring in the horse......he takes the hosre by both ears....looks at the horse straight in the eyes and say....."now read my lips.....I said go to town.......and get the POSSE!!!!
