Manual Valve Body Standard Shift

wow very interesting. you do know they make forward pattern manual valve bodies correct? The type you are reffering to that wont work with a stock shifter is P - R - 1 - 2 - 3. That is reverse. A forward shift is just like stock P - R- 3 - 2 - 1.

Sounds like you've knocked quite a bit of time off by just messing with the tranny, can you elaborate on the restrictor plate mod? Whats it do to the function of the trans? and how do you do it? I've never heard of that. I did notice that when i went from a cheap 3000stall converter to my 9 1/2" dynamic, the converter tends to 'stall' when shifting and it doesnt feel quite as hard. Are you saying what you did got rid of that 'stall' feeling?

nice work!