Toyota (again).

First of all, if a car is in DRIVE, or any gear other than PARK, the steering column will not lock....

Second of all, I went through this in the 80's when Audi's were running away "out of control..." and I was in an Audi service dept. Audi's un-official reason for these "run away "cars? Driver error.

Just watched on the news where a 61 yr. old man had his Toyota "run away from him" and needed assistance stopping from a Highway Police car. Here in NY we had a 72 yr. old man kill someone in a church parking lot when he "lost control" of his Mercedes SUV. Lot's of cars out of control with older drivers. Maybe our driver training methods needs to be overhauled and have mandatory road tests on license renewal?

And as for not being able to drive after installing a spare without a computer, that's partially correct now: You usually have to re-initiate the tire pressure monitors so you can be informed that you have a low tire. You can thank Ford motor Co. for THAT little piece of Government intervention. Remember all those (infallible...) Ford Exploders rolling over and killing innocent people because the drivers are too F`in stupid, un-informed, or could care less ( my vote...) to check their OWN tires?

No one manufacturer "S.U.C.K.S." as it has been repeatedly (and childishly...) blurted out. It's just Toyota's turn in the barrel. Remember when Audi was written off years ago? Now they're one of the strongest franchises out there. As a matter of fact, there's an Audi dealer on Northern Blvd. in Great Neck right across the street from a dead Hummer franchise.....