Badguy Alert Moparcrazy

look, you guys that are offering to fix it, thats great but that intake is garbage. Aluminum does not corrode just here and corrodes everywhere. What you are seeing is the obvious. What may not be so obvious is that the inside of the water jackets will be just as bad.

Trust me, I've been an aircraft sctructures mech since 1986. Guess what our most common metal is?

I'd have to go on your side with this, true the most obvious is were it made contact with the exterior elements.
But this is even more spread in cast, due to it prone to porosity.
I've also noticed that Edelbrock is a very soft casting.

The leak test is very simple with this particular water jacket though, not much pressure flows through it.

I'm just trying to be the silver lining, it doesn't look good.
At least try to get the sealing faces welded, you have a few open avenues for that.