just need to vent....

ABB has the knack of calling me when my hands are full of grease and the phone is a mile away, and I have to crawl from under car. When I answer the phone, "What are you doing? I was on break and just wanted to check on ya." (Like I need a mom call, I'm almost 50 years old!)
Then it comes; "Why are you always mad when I call?

This is on every weekday for the past 2 years!! Probibly started when son moved out. It always just seems to happen right when I'm either too dirty to pick up phone or I'm busy having a meltdown about something and right in the middle of catastrophie the phone rings and I hear, "I didn't need anything just checkin on ya"

To say it tics me off is an understatement. Have been letting the answer machine get it if dirty or melting down. I just tell myself if she's having an emergency she'll call back.

Besides, If she can't get ahold of me, It makes her NEED to call me even more! Want a really great dinner and evening? Don't even call back and be gone for a bit when she gets home!8) LMBO!

Remember, I wasn't here, you didn't hear it from me, I will deny all involvement in this thread. Someone must have hacked my password, this isn't even me typing right now!! LOL!!!:toothy10:

Have a good one bayyum!:cheers: