another ebay moron with a 69 barracuda

It's been on craigslist here for a while Probably a little over priced for what it is.

Looks like someone with no feed back and less than 30 days on ebay is running up the price. Always makes me wonder if its the owner or his friends.

Interesting...he says on his fleabay ad that he's selling because he's leaving the state...could'nt he take the car with him? is he going to a state that does'nt allow cars? it does'nt exactly sound reassuring to any potential buyers out there that the guys about to skip town.
However on that craigslist ad he says he's selling to pay doctors bills...which one is it?
Either way,he'll probably have some doctors bills when the new owner realizes what a overhyped piece of crap he just bought.