The Pain.

Toothache pain is no fun, I too have been having pain for over 3 months,
I thought I had a bad earache/infection.

I went 3 times to the Dr. for antibiotics, the 2nd time he sent me to the
Hospital for blood work. The blood work showed my Cholesteral went
from 168 total to 172 in the past year, and the white/red count showed I had an infection.

The Doctor gave me another, "normal" 10 day 3 times a day antibiotic treatment,this hardly helped at all, and in another couple weeks, I was back to see him again.

This time I said give me a Stronger antibiotic, and I called the Dentist.

I saw the dentist on the 8th of August, and he asked how long have these
Wisdom teeth been hurting, I told him, that I have hurt Bad about 3 months, and I thought I had an earache. He looked at me funny, and said they are
both in very bad shape, and should have been removed a long time ago.

I told him, yeah the last dentist I used, said that they needed to be pulled,
2 years ago.{ The last place [Aspen dental shmucks locally]wanted me to sign some papers, for about $3,000 worth of work, and I walked out.}

Both left sides are getting yanked next Tuesday the 5th of Sept.
I am getting novacaine, kool I will drool when I talk later, haha.

The Oral Surgeon, thankfully takes my dental insurance, and only charged
an $85.00 surcharge.

I owe the "regular" dentist $90 for one "Panoramic" Xray.
Glad to find out why I had been sore for 3 months.

Oh the Oral Surgeon said no aspirin/Ibuprefen/Alleve etc.
for 3 days before the extraction.No problem, now that the darn
infection is gone.

Cliffs notes;
Had infection, and pain, thought it was an earache.
after 3 months finally, duh went to the dentist.
Getting 2 left side wisdom teeth yanked next week.
Pain at night when you want to sleep Sucks.