Who has their CCW Permit?

I didn't feel you were judging me, not for a second. The point I was making, is that weapon's are being made too easily accessible, hence the dilemma.

For the most part, if you don't hunt, or don't use your weapon for competition purposes or for law protection, then why would you need one.

There is something wrong there, and it's beyond rights and freedom.
I'd hate to take a hands-up, to any other country in the world (there's not many out there), were people are legally entitled to carry weapons.
It's just not right, my .02.

The guns here in the us are not that easily acessable to a law abididng citizen but crimanals do not / will not care if they get them legally because they would not be able to get them through the propper channels so even if we the people were without firearms the crimanals would still have them. the problem is the importing of illegal wepons and stolen wepons that never get found until a violent crime or bust that is the reality we face here so that is why we the people must be prepared to be vigliant when nessicary that is why I own firearms and am waiting on IL to pass ccw in my state.