Turning a 74 into a 72

Next up was fixing the rust issue on the drivers side lower rear quarter.
Cut the patch panel from the 72 and here is what I found on the inside.

The trunk extension was rusted off and who ever the brain was that did the body work on the 72 screwed the repair up as good as the rest of the quality work he had done on the car.

After removing the 1/2 inch of filler it reveled just how bad the patch was. I did try putting it on but am no where near satisfied with it. You can't see it in the picture but it is beat to crap and warped bad.

I'm going to order a patch panel from AMD and fix it right.
Well that's all for now.
Tomorrow I'm off to Yuma AZ. to spend some time with my folks then drive them home in there motor home. AHH! sunshine!!