need help with holley 750 d.p

i have a 750 d.p on my 340, and it is leaking fuel out of a few spots. it has sat for a few years, only started once in a while.
i was asking questions on here for the past few days, and someone told me that it would be cheaper to just rebuild the one i have.
but it is leaking fuel out of the side, where the linkage comes out for the gas pedal. i was wondering if the rebuild kit comes with all these seals??
is it hard to do the work myself. i have never really messed with one before

any suggestions guys????????????????????????

Rebuild kits do not generally come with thottle plate bushings and even if they did, you can't easily replace them due to the staked throttle plate screws. These bushings going bad is very common on older used Holleys due to a myriad of issues including but not limited to warped base plate from overtightening, improper springs and mis-aligned throttle linkage, etc. New base plates (called throttle bodies) are availible complete from Quick Fuel and are very high quality. They run about 180 bucks or less.

You still shouldn't have fuel running out of them and I'm guessing that fuel is running out of the boosters due to mis-adjusted float level, bad needles and seats, sunk/stuck float, dirty fuel, etc.

Ideally, if it was my carb, I'd replace the throttle body and rebuild it the carb. You'll have a like new carb for about 250 bucks.