CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

Here we are for another emergency run of......
The weekly frantic search for the next MOPAR of our family and the exclusive webazene on FABO FOR FREAKED OUT MOPAR FANATICS!:cheers:

Ok! Here's chapter 4!!
Let me pick you gray matter upstairs apart for one moment. Now don't strain you self or injur that sharp organ up there (heh heh he said organ)
I don't want to create any FABO veggies we have to feed and water!!!

EVER heard of a............wait for it............longer.............almost there...

A 1979 Plymouth Arrow?!?!!

YARD DAWG just called. Says we are rescuing a Plymouth Arrow from the scrapper, taillights look new. His friend called says he's razin a barn and it was in there. Now it's in his way and towing to scrapper or YARD DAWG'S place. YD calles me and wants to know if I'll go in Halvsies with him on it either restore or parts!
UUuuuhhhhh DUH!!! H-E-Double Dee's!!, YES I want in on it!!! Aint like I got a real job anymore!!!
It arrives his place this after noon and FABO and I are going there to look at what I bought half of!!! Good or Bad You're going with me even if you like it or not!!! LOL!!
If it's a pile, I'll just say I had to buy it cause FABO didn't have any
to look at this weekend!

Also possible chapter 5 today! Should be test driving the $10,000.00 DART! WoooooHooooooo!:cheers:

What the heck yall think? Are ABB & me workin it for ya or what?!!:toothy10:

Got to go look up what the heck a Plymouth Arrow 79 is anyway. I said like a shadow. YD says no too big... Like think Opel GT!
FREKIN AWESOME! I cant wait to see....I'm looking up now......Later!8)

Here check this link out!
