My 1974 Plymouth Duster 360

Well over the course of the last week, I tore down the newly acquired Roller Cam 360. Brought the air tools home and tore down the 73' 360, removed the engine wiring harness, and cleaned the engine bay. DA sanded and hand sanded the rusty looking areas, cleaned and prepped the inner fenders and painted them Gloss Black.

I spent a little time sitting in the driver seat with a wet rag, a small piece of steel wool, and a towel. The console and shifter cleaned up pretty good. Will need a woodgrain overlay to really smile when I look at it, but the pitting and dirtiness wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was.

Tomorrow I am putting the car on jackstands and attemting to remove the front bumper and front fenders....we'll see how that goes.

I haven't uploaded pics, and frankly I am a bit too tired to mess with it right now...but pics are coming.