Super Stock Springs/Ride Height

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to get some opinions/pictures. I changed my wheels/tire combination last year (15 inch BBP) and naturally I tried to get as much tire in the rear as I could. Well the net result was that I only have enough tire to wheel well lip clearance to put my small finger in between.

So I removed the stock 340 springs and ordered what I thought was stock replacements to try to raise the rear a bit to get the wheel well lip a little higher on the curvature of the the tire. These springs did lift the car but not enough. So I just ordered a set of 3400 pound super stock springs. I was told that they would raise the rear ride height 2 about inches. My question is does anybody know how stiff the ride will be and does anyone have pictures of their Dart with them on. I have attached a pic to this post and I will take better ones later.

P.S. The brand new stock replacements will be available for sale later if anyone is interested.

Thanks For Your Help Guys




