
My girlfriend and I split up a couple days ago, after not talking for nearly a week before...I really don't know what happened...It makes me sad...We were together for a year & a half, I know it's not a long time, but I really really miss her already ...She was there for me while I was in Iraq, we talked online everyday, and when I came home she stayed with me on base for a few months...Then when I got out of the Army, everything was fine for almost 7 months...I mean we had our little arguments and stuff, but just a few days ago...I just don't know what happened...I guess you don't know what you have until you lose it...I've lost my appetite, ..........I can't even stay home alone or I'll go nuts......So I just go no where......for hours......all day.....I don't even feel like working on my cars anymore...She was with me a lot of the times when I did...I just don't know what to do...I'm not going to work tomorrow...I just can't....I'm really sad...I don't like to be alone.......