
Sorry to hear about your problems. I've been there several times in the past.
I can offer this advice. Give her a chance to miss you. Give her some time, and see if she gets in touch, or tries to explain what is going on. Maybe you can talk to a mutual friend, or maybe one of her friends, to find out what the problem is. Dont hound her or her friends, but just let them know you would like to know what is going on. After a year and a half, you have a right at least to an explanation.

The only words of comfort I can offer are these.

Although at the time I was devastated when something like this happened, someone new always came along, and eventually I met my wife, who I have been married to for 28 years. Each breakup was a step on the road to my eventual happiness, and without them, I would never have finally met the girl who decided to stick with me through thick and thin, who has given me 4 wonderful children, and who has always been there for me.

If your girlfriend is the right one, she will be back. If not, then the right one is waiting somewhere for you, and you need to find her. Dont give up on her, just because you may not have met her yet. Or she may be someone you know, but just havent noticed. Fate and God will help you, so be patient, and look forward to it.

And remember that, even though it hurts right now, it's really true what they say. Time heals all wounds. Each day will be a little better. You are young, you have been through a lot. If things dont work out, and she doesnt give you a reason for what happened, its her loss. Go to parties, hang out with your friends, keep busy. Work on your car, cause it'll always be there for you. Surround yourself with people because it really helps. Worst thing to do is sit around by yourself and think about it, or do something really stupid. Have fun, move on, and look for the right one.