
Don't be buyin up any shiny things to impress her, simple thing like listening and saying uh huh and yea while she talks, don't offer to fix any problems that will drive her nutz!!! she prolly just wants you to listen, and yea it may be tempting to ask the friends how she's doin but don't do it it is an invasion of space, for now eat, drink some of them ensure drink's to help get your nutrients and clean up your act, git little projects done(the sence of acomplishment will help the brain and the heart) and go see some of your old friends and help on a car project or something...(the more stuff you keep busy with the less time to think about this. now and it will get better in time.
Hang in there bud.....I am sure alot of us have been in about the same situation.....
Maybe she just needs some space for a bit....maybe wow her? some woman get tired of waiting around for "nothing" and ,maybe you could win her back with a shiny rock? lol....send some flowers to her? show her why she fell in love with you in the first place and remind her that that part of you is still there?

they can be pretty complicated sometimes...and all you can do is go along for the ride.

Good luck and maybe she will be kind enough to atleast give you an explanation ....but hang in there and if you need to talk we are ALL just a couple clicks of a mouse and keys away!