
Dude and rld9877, I'm praying for both of you in hopes that some light will be shed on your circumstances and bring you peace. In the meantime, there is a lot of good advise mentioned above. Read what your friends here have written and know that we are here for you if you need us. I guess the one piece of advise I can offer is to not turn to something like alcohol or some other crutch to get you through. Only a clear head will be able to sort out your feelings and allow you to stay prepared to talk the issues through if you get the chance to have a conversation with these ladies. It will go a long way to show them that you are prepared to continue your life with them, or without them, depending on the outcome, and that you will do so in a mature and responsible manner.

It may seem funny, but when I have a problem or issue to work through, I always dive into something completely different than what I'm used to doing. Learning something new and having to occupy my mind thinking about something completely out of my comfort zone leaves no time to think about issues or problems in my everyday life. That and a good dose of Mopar has always helped me through. I have gotten a lot of work done on my cars at midnight not wanting to go into the house to stew about things that are waiting inside the door.

I would like let you know that you can count on your friends here to help you through, should you like to just chat. You can always P.M. me and I'll chat about just about anything if it helps. Make sure you stay first in your lives and I'll be praying for you both, Geof