
I dont think there is one imparticular reason some women do the things they do... Most everyone knows that 99.9% of women are bat $hit crazy with the exception of forabodiesonly chicks :D... I think alot of us have been in situations like yours. Some of us were married with kids etc and this kind of thing has happened. The only advise I can give you is to better yourself the only ways you know how. Work harder, spend time with family/friends, have fun and be a better person to people you have looked over in the past. Those are the things that will make you stronger in my mind. I have been there and I tried to focus on those few things and life has turned out for the better. Set your mind on something and go after it. And not her :D that will probably lead to some kind of rap and restraining orders. I really focused on my work when I got my divorce from the first wife for 7 years it was tough but I tried to increase my work ethic first and focus on doing things better. It has really improved my career and job position. I stayed around family when I wasn't working or playing. That was the main thing that helped me. You need to have someone to talk to so find a good friend (not the one crackin your ol lady in mycase boy was I pissed) LMAO its funny now believe me. Family and friends are your wall to lean on and FABO too... I thought I lost everything until I met my wife (married 3 years :D) I never knew what a good relationship was supposed to be so hang in there dude. I'm out before this turns into crazy Jerry Springer episodes LMBO...