Big Blocks and Handling

This was the question.

"I keep reading about how poorly an A body handles once a big block is transplanted. Is this true? Is the car that far out of balance that not much can be done?"

My reply for this…."I keep reading about how poorly an A body handles once a big block is transplanted. Is this true?"…...was………

"2 cars with equal mods, one with a big block and one with a small block, that small block car will handle better (simple matter of weight over the front end)."

My reply for this……"Is the car that far out of balance that not much can be done?"…...was………

"Pay attention to wheel/tire selection and suspension tuning and both can be nice on the road."

I directly answered his questions……

Yes, once you transplant a big block in your car it will handle worse but things can be done to recover that lost handling.