Thank you all

Damn Mike, it doesn't seem like so long ago that I welcomed you to FABO. :clock:
19,000 posts... :munky2: You have been busy bud. :toothy10: Hope you're here for at least another 20,000 posts. :cheers:

Have a great day Mikey.
It sure don't seem that long ago does it Sid
Thank you for all your help and friend ship I have needed here and in every walk in life, You are an ace in a deck of cards :happy10:

:angry7: I don't know how many times I told that black Lab to quit talking to strangers. Maybe she's been reading your posts on FABO Mike, then you wouldn't technically be a stranger and she could talk to you. :toothy10:
She sure woke me up when I herd the words ARE YOU MEMIKE LOOKING FOR SID"S HOUSE 8)8) I forgot all about that till this thread was started :clock: Ya know I have to do this for ya :bootysha: hehehehehe!! Thank you my Canadian friend :happy10: